Tyler's IEP meeting with the public school was today. It was extremely stressful. I am starting to wonder if my disappointment in the school is actually from my unrealistic expectations rather than their failure to meet his needs. He ended up with 30 minutes in the classroom of special ed, 20 minutes of speech therapy twice a week out of the classroom, and 15 minutes per day of ABA therapy. I do not know if fifteen minutes of ABA will accomplish anything. However, I plan to send my ABA book and data sheets so we will all be on the same page. Even though that is a very little amount of time, maybe it will be a good supplement to what he is getting at home. Pray that we can get some good people in here to do ABA with him in the evenings.
I left the meeting feeling very defeated, because I know that he is getting less than many of the kids I know with autismin other schools. But, I also have to remember that Tyler has some HUGE strengths and made wonderful gains the past year. In the end, if he can have a good, safe environment where he can learn and build on what he is learning from home, and I get some time to regroup, it is worth it. I am still disappointed, but I guess that I will have to just pick up the slack.