23 October 2011

The face of autism:

This is probably not what you think of when you think of autism. My youngest son was diagnosed with autistic disorder at the age of two and my older son was diagnosed with PDD-NOS at the age of five. Autism is hard, but it isn't hopeless. This blog is dedicated to the two most amazing people I have ever met. Please use this blog as a resource and pass it along to families needing to know where to start.

Rise in Autism?

Is there really a huge increase in autism? Yes, but not as much as some would have you believe. There is an increase in moderate to severe autism cases. However, the 1 in 110 statistic is a bit misleading. Autism awareness is also at an all time high. That 1 in 110 stat also includes many children with Aspergers syndrome that in previous years did not receive a diagnosis. Aspergers has been around forever. They were previously known as "nerds". Everyone of us can think back to our childhood and remember 2 or 3 people we knew with terrible social skills but extremely smart in some areas. That statistic also includes children that now carry a dual diagnosis. Many children with Down's syndrome and other disabilities also fall under autism when looking at diagnostic criteria. As you can see, the statistic of 1 in 110 is misleading.

We can't solve problems by using the same

kind of thinking we used when we created them.

--Albert Einstein