Tyler is out of school for the summer. Though I miss the structure and consistency of school, I am LOVING how well Tyler is doing with his summer therapy. Our Michelle P Waiver has made it possible to have daily ABA therapy with Tyler in addition to OT and speech therapy through the Medical Center home health program. Tyler is getting about 7 hours per week of ABA, an hour of OT per week and an hour of speech therapy per week. He is REALLY blossoming. His speech is beginning to really take off. He tries to start and maintain conversations even if it is with 1 or 2 words.
We have added in a few more carbohydrates into Tyler's diet and have seen no negative results. We still do plenty of anti-yeast protocol and limit the carbs and sugars. At first, we noticed what seemed like hyperactivity from the extra carbs, but it soon leveled back down. I think his body was responding to the extra energy source that he was not used to. Our biggest problem with this seems to be that Tyler requests and tantrums for the carbs instead of wanting the meatballs and nuts. I have been pretty firm with him, and he is doing better with it every day.
So far, the highlight of our summer has been going to fountain square park. Both of the kids had a blast. I also plan to add in some horse back riding this summer. Hopefully, my kids will have wonderful summer memories like I do.