12 February 2010
rashes rashes and more rashes
Tyler is very tired and cranky today...as is his mother. I am dealing with a case of strep throat that I probably picked up from the hospital on Monday. I just hope Tyler doesn't get it. We have all had the illness jinx this winter. His hives healed up quickly after taking him off of the anitbiotic that he was allergic to, but now his eczema is flaring more than ever. It has even moved to his face and arms. I have narrowed it down to three things: flaxseed meal in muffins, yeast dieoff from the Diflucan or Sacchromyces Boullardi (supplement to fight yeast). I will first take him off of the supplement to see if anything changes. Then I will take away the flaxseed meal. Hopefully I can figure this out. I am learning that the puzzle pieces for the autism symbol are very fitting....these kids really are a puzzle.