08 February 2010
What a Day!
Well, it was just one of those days. I talked to Dr. Kalb this morning. He was very concerned that the oxypowder and enemas were not having any results. He advised me to take him to get an xray. Tyler's pediatrician told me that she couldn't get him in today, but to take him to the ER because he was so upset. After 3 hours in the ER, many rude stares, whispers and even a "spank his butt" from a know it all, I called Tyler's peditrician and demanded that she take him or send an order to the hospital for an xray. She took him right in and ordered the xray. By the time we were finished, we had spent a total of 6 hours in waiting rooms and Dr.'s offices. After the xray, I took Tyler home for some much needed lunch and nap. They called me with the xray results....just a bunch of air. After he woke up from his nap, I gave him some probiotic and anti gas herbs. Well, the floodgates finally opened. He is much happier and his belly is going down. I just hope we don't have to pay for the ER since we were never put into a room. If we do, this is going to be some expensive flatulence!